Promoting Partnership with ISA Suppliers!
ISA is committed to creating a mutually-beneficial partnership between members and suppliers. At ISA, our role is to create and promote volume purchasing opportunities for ISA members, who are highly-motivated to patronize ISA suppliers.
For suppliers, ISA offers a variety of tangible advantages:
Movement & Market Share
Attractive rebate programs are designed to encourage members to move their purchases from non-ISA suppliers to our supporting suppliers, thus potentially increasing our suppliers’ market share. Suppliers seeking to expand their capacity or to shift current sales to our more attractive buying group can leverage the collective membership of ISA to achieve measurable results!
Last Look
Sales 101: How can suppliers get that all-important “last look”? Earning the last look involves a variety of factors beyond pricing. By supporting ISA rebate programs, suppliers have yet another feather in their quiver when targeting the business of ISA members, because members know that they receive rebates ONLY when they buy from ISA suppliers.
Volume & Value
ISA members represent significant amounts of volume in a wide variety of purchasing programs. However, volume is only part of the value of being a supplier partner with ISA. All ISA members are screened – initially and annually – for creditworthiness. ISA does not guarantee the credit of its members; suppliers still maintain their own one-on-one relationship with any individual buyer. But, ISA does maintain standards for membership which requires its members to meet a professionally and independently-vetted credit standard.
Loyalty & Partnership
ISA strongly encourages lasting partnerships between members and suppliers. Our goal is to have programs that provide tangible value to all parties.